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Group Gatherings with Intention |
Beautiful decorated table with flowers, candles, napkins and wine glasses
Cultivate | May 3 2022


Create Your Own Basket Of Intentions For Mother'S Day

By Araxe Hajian

May is here, and that means all three of our Miraval properties are blooming!

Bright clusters of Austin’s white prickly poppies and cedar sage are joining Arizona’s brittlebush and fairydusters, while across the country the Berkshires are bursting with daffodils and hyacinths to roll out a welcome mat for moms of all kinds—and mother earth herself—this Sunday.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate the people who have embodied the spirit of motherhood in your life. Whether near or far, present or departed, we can create a container to hold and express our love for them.

What better way to honor the essence of mothering than spending time outside with an al fresco snack amidst all the new life emerging from nature’s nurturing embrace?

We dipped into Miraval Resorts’ archives for suggestions to help you create a perfect and mindful picnic-chic basket.

Smiling mother and daughter walking along bath next to a pond

The Sentimental Ingredients for Your Basket

Before you begin, ask yourself:

Who is your inspiration?

Think of who mothered you into being. They hugged, held, and swaddled you, carried and chauffeured you, helped you with homework, smoothed out your hair emergencies, and mended any heartbreaks.

Write down their name or names. Whether this basket lands in their hands or in honor of them, saying their name and putting it onto paper brings us a little closer to their essence.

Plus, it’s always nice to include a handwritten card or note if it’s a gift.

What is your intention?

Think of the intangibles—thoughts and feelings—you bring to this day. It might be a mixture of things: gratitude might jostle around with grief; hope may hang out with happiness. Allow yourself to feel both good and sad emotions, and hold space for whatever sentiments arise. You can sprinkle those feelings into your container like a fine coat of comfort or let them blow away in the wind like dandelion filaments.

The Sensory Ingredients for Your Basket

Here is a collection of our favorite Miraval recipes & items to include.

A Smidge of Sweetness

Honey tasting with different kind of honeys

A Spoonful of Savory

A Stroke of Softness

People in robes are sitting with blanket on cozy bench

A Mention of Something Mindful

Analog Additions

Miraval Cellphone sleeping bag

Bubbles & Bath Treats

  • Champagne or sparkling water. Add a southwest flair with prickly pear syrup or a taste of the Berkshires with maple.
  • At-home luxury spa kit

Bath oil and salt, sponge and candle on bath tray over bath

A Cupful of Comfort

A Sip of Something Smooth


Bundle of chocolate chip cookies

A Taste of Texas

Veggie BBQ Carrot Sandwich

Cinnamon roll on plate

Some Arizona Zest

Muffins on white wood

A Bit of Berkshires Bounty

Why Create a Basket of Intentions?

In our Colleagues’ Words

Miraval Austin Executive Chef Ben Baker:

For me, joy is pastry and bread. It’s my happy place. It’s less about eating than about pulling things out of the oven, looking at the color, and knowing when the layers and textures are just right. For me, it’s about giving them away. It’s about the creation, the baking, and then the giving. I get a lot of joy from that. It’s about the community we create when we share what we make.

Miraval Austin Intuitive Medium & Spiritual Guide Steven Ross:

“By connecting to the ritual of assembling our meal creatively, we connect to the circle of life through food and each other. Here, we practice mindful eating to express a sacred reciprocity with the earth. We receive the gift of our meal with presence and gratitude. We nourish our bodies with the food on our plates, while we enhance the gift of life by sharing space in the company of others.

Portrait of Senior Writer Araxe Hajian
About the Author

Araxe Hajian

Araxe Hajian is a senior writer who covers wellness stories and specialist offerings at Miraval Resorts & Spas. She was associate editor and writer at Life in Balance Magazine, storyteller at the social platform MindMeet, and author of numerous articles and Miraval Resorts’ coffee-table book Miraval Mindful by Design.