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Be Well | June 17 2022


August Insider Tips For Miraval Celestial Summer

By Araxe Hajian

Lap up the light of the season’s full moons or dream in the deep night of its new moons with Miraval Resorts’ Celestial Summer at all three of our destinations. You can harness the magic of Miraval’s balmy nights and gaze at the Berkshires’ blanket of stars, dream in the dusking desert sky, or reflect under Hill Country constellations.

On August 11, a Full Moon in Aquarius brings a lot of adjustments to our playful Leo new moon vibe. It’s a good time to think about what is safe and sane without letting go of your sense of whimsy and adventure. On the 27th, a New Moon in Virgo brings new beginnings, renewed commitment, personal goals, and positive energy.

Here are a few ways to best take advantage of Miraval’s annual Celestial Summer celebration.


Bring Miraval Home and download or screenshot the elemental signs for August Celestial Summer by clicking here.

Full Moon August graphic

You can celebrate the stars shimmering brightly in the darkened sky of the mid-month New Moon, a time of purifying energy and renewal. It’s a great time to observe, absorb, and pause before the waxing moon’s journey culminates in the spark that ignites each month’s Full Moon, a time of action, manifestation, and illumination.

earth signs August graphic water signs august graphic
Air signs august graphic fire signs August graphic

Miraval Austin Astrologer Lynn Carroll-Rivera offers tips and suggestions to match your elemental sign.

Lynn reminds us that our Celestial Summer activities are excellent for any elemental combination, and everyone can benefit from all of these classes. You will be drawn to certain ones based on your own perception, comfort zone, and even your alignment with the stars.


♊︎ ♎︎ ♒︎
Air Signs can get moving mentally and physically:
Mindfulness in the Moonlight | Cyanotypes | Sun Salutations

♌︎ ♈︎ ♐︎
Fire Signs can tap into intention and inspiration:
Evening Meditation | Astro Forecast | Beauty of Imperfection

♓︎ ♋︎ ♏︎
Water signs can focus on accepting the present moment:
Your Lunar Energy | Splendor of Sound | Evening Meditation

♉︎ ♍︎ ♑︎
Earth Signs can hone physical and spiritual skills:
Yin Yoga | Full Moon Bogalates | Suminagashi: The Art of Letting Go

Click to read June celestial suggestions

Click to read July celestial suggestions

Beautiful over forrest

*Source material provided by Miraval Austin Astrologer Lynn Carroll-Rivera 

Magic of Miraval Under the Stars

Celebrate the summer solstice with our curated list of revitalizing activities at Miraval ArizonaMiraval Austin, and Miraval Berkshires that allow you to soak up the energy-filled moonlight.

Portrait of Senior Writer Araxe Hajian
About the Author

Araxe Hajian

Araxe Hajian is a senior writer who covers wellness stories and specialist offerings at Miraval Resorts & Spas. She was associate editor and writer at Life in Balance Magazine, storyteller at the social platform MindMeet, and author of numerous articles and Miraval Resorts’ coffee-table book Miraval Mindful by Design.