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Agave caramelized grapefruits in bowls
Cultivate | April 12 2021


Agave Caramelized Grapefruit

This caramelized grapefruit recipe is a sweet addition to breakfast or a light dessert! It is delicious, so simple to make, and a delight to eat the caramelized topping.

Makes 2 Servings


  • 1 large Ruby Red grapefruit, halved crosswise
  • 1 tsp. agave syrup (see Source Guide), or honey


  1. Run a small sharp paring knife around each grapefruit section to release the membranes.
  2. Arrange each half on a salad plate, and drizzle with 1 teaspoon of the syrup.
  3. Using a blowtorch, carefully work the flame over the tops of the grapefruit halves until the syrup bubbles and caramelizes.
  4. Serve immediately.

Calories: 60; Total Fat: 0g; Carbohydrate: 14g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Protein: 1g

This recipe is featured in Miraval’s Mindful Eating cookbook, which includes two hundred beautifully clean recipes and simple techniques for readers to use at home, allowing them to make smarter choices with a better understanding of portion size, ingredients, and cooking practices.