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New to Miraval? Your Journey to Balance Starts Here |
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Creating Mindfulness for All with

Dr. Alfiee Breland-Noble

Meet our collaborator

Dr. Alfiee Breland-Noble

Dr. Alfiee is an internationally recognized psychologist, author, mental health correspondent, founder of The AAKOMA Project and Chief Mental Wealth Officer, The Mental Wealth Alliance

Miraval Austin

Elevation Retreat 2023

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Reflect |
December 21, 2022

Elevation: Diverse Women's Wellness Retreat at Miraval Arizona

Even those of us who study and promote mental health, like me, sometimes find ourselves confronted with new information that helps us level up our own practices and thinking.  We get incredible opportunities to learn. This is the incredible opportunity I had in 2022 by partnering with my friends at Miraval Arizona.
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Life in Balance Podcast

Mindfulness for All

On this episode of Miraval Life In Balance, host Lauren Kennedy is joined by Dr. AlfieeBreland-Noble, a pioneering Psychologist, Scientist, Author, and a Miraval Resorts Brand Marketing DEI Council Collaborator. Together, Dr. Alfiee and Lauren sit down to discuss the power of connection, team-building, mental wellbeing, and of course, self-care. Not to mention, Dr. Alfiee also shares how she plans for the Elevation: Diverse Women’s Wellness Retreats, the benefits of visiting Miraval as a group, and how to bring learnings from Miraval back home with you. This is an episode you do not want to miss, so press play and join us for Miraval Life In Balance.


The AAKOMA Project believes that to meet the mental health needs of Youth of Color, we need to operate at three levels – raising consciousness among individuals, providing accessible tools for ongoing management, and changing systems to receive youth and provide better care.

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